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What People Are Saying


“The transformation is relatively immediate…the desire to succeed and improve is evident and enhanced with each class. Instruction is provided in such a regimented yet friendly way that my son’s eagerness to become his best is parallel with his eagerness to be recognized by his instructors. I personally could not be more pleased with the atmosphere, the presentation of instruction, the recognition of community, and the positive improvements I continue to see in my son, his personality and his drive to succeed.”
—Sandra Olin


“Art Beins Karate has given my child, Christopher, the confidence to prove to himself he can overcome any obstacle, no matter how difficult. The pride in his face the day he received his black belt was and always will be priceless to me.”
—Lucille Barilla


“Since I started at Art Beins Karate, I have eliminated hypertension, improved my conditioning, and gained confidence to overcome many of my own life obstacles, both mentally and physically. I continue looking forward to the next challenge at every class. Joining Art Beins Karate was one of the best decisions I have made.”
—Joe Sheehy, Telecommunications


“Since my daughter has been attending ABK, her attention and focus has increased tremendously. In addition, her self-esteem and self-pride have also improved. Each instructor takes the time to make sure my daughter understands the material presented and if there are any questions from me, they never hesitate to answer.”
—Brian Gibbons, Network Technician


“I had twins about 2 and a half years ago and was able to lose all of the weight right away, but the busy years that followed caused me to gain back a lot of that weight. I joined Art Beins a very defeated woman. After approximately 6 months I have lost 29 pounds and 4 sizes. Kickboxing has changed the way I look and feel about myself. The amazing instructors keep me motivated to keep coming back. Thank you for helping me transform my life!”
—Chrissy Sanchez, FSO


“I would like to take this time to say that we started our son Sivad with Art Beins Karate to bring him out of his shyness and also for the discipline. It has really worked for him! He is much more outgoing and his hand and eye coordination is superb! Thanks Master Beins for helping him reach his goal!”
—Troy Edmonds


“It made me a better person, and more confident in myself.”
—Dan Carbajal


“Our son, Cole, has thrived over the past two years, and we know that Karate has played a huge part in his athletic and academic achievements. Art Beins Karate has instilled confidence, pride and an outlook that all is possible. The instructors are talented, caring and a positive inspiration. We have three sons and are looking forward to many amazing years at Art Beins Karate. Thankfully Yours, The Duhigg Family.”
—Amber Duhigg


“I couldn’t be happier with the results I have seen in my 5 year old son since he has started karate. His focus and attention have improved, he now sets goals for himself, and most of all, he has this huge sense of pride and accomplishment. The instructors genuinely care about each and every child they teach and it shows!”
—Jennifer Mele


“Art Beins karate has given me the confidence I needed for a long time. It helped me to set goals and attain them. It also is keeping me healthy. Most importantly, I’ve made great friends that will last a lifetime.”
—Anthony Camme, Vascular Technologist


“It gave self-confidence to my older son, and helped my younger son’s self-discipline! Fantastic!”
—Tracy Rowohlt


“Art Beins Karate has kept me fit, both mentally and physically, by pushing me to work to be the best I can be both in and out of the Dojo. I find I have more energy throughout the day. Through the support of your outstanding staff of Black Belts, I feel I receive the best Martial Arts training there is available. As someone over 40, your curriculum suits me as well as a student of any age. And it’s fun! Thank you.”
—Chris Stefan, Automotive Business Owner


“ABK has been such a phenomenal resource for our family. My son’s focus and attention have improved significantly since joining ABK a year ago. This has led to noticeable changes in his attentiveness and discipline in other areas, including improved success at school. Prior to involvement in ABK, my son’s main interests were TV and video games. He now has the focus and discipline to perform more effectively in team sports. ABK promotes overall wellness and strong healthy habits. The staff is so attentive to the student’s needs and abilities. In an age where children admire their role models for all the wrong reasons, Master Beams, Sensei Nunno, Sensei Ferguson and Miss Keller will teach your kids to aim high, give their best, respect themselves and others. The school motto says it allbelieve and achieve. Twice a week, I pass at least a half dozen other Karate schools on my way to ABK. We’ve tried others – ABK is by far the best.”
—MJ Ascone


“As a 37-year old mom of two, working a full-time job, and coaching, I have completely lost track of taking care of myself. I have been an athlete all of my life and working out was always my first priority. It’s been a couple years now since I have made excuses about finding the time to work out and putting everyone and everything else first. One day I reached my lowest of feeling good, and I knew I had to do something about it. I didn’t want to do the old boring gym anymore or workout to videos. I needed something different, tough, and challenging. Something that I could stick with and love! I walked by Art Beins Karate one morning when a group of people were working out soo hard to loud music and sweating a lot. I knew I had to try it! It’s been 3 months now being a part of Art Beins Karate, and it’s now part of my life schedule every week. It’s one of the toughest kickboxing classes I ever took and even more rewarding getting through it. The instructors are genuine and push you past your limits! My body is changing, I am keeping up with the class, and I am getting stronger. I even breathe and walk better. I feel great and alive again! It keeps me sane and gets all my aggression out during the week, so that I am ready for the everyday challenges of my lifestyle. Thank you to the awesome instructors, thank you to the dedicated members, and thank you Art Beins Karate for giving me focus again!”
—Teresa DiMezza


“Many wonderful things. Building self-confidence, increasing my attention span, which in-turn greatly helps with my school work, greatly improves my self-motivation and self-esteem, improves physical fitness, provides me with a much greater sense of right from wrong.”
—Brianna White, Student


“For as long as I’ve know Master Beins, he has been an exemplary leader both in the community and in martial arts. So when it came time to find a place where my 5 year old son DJ could learn the same traditions I enjoyed as a child, ABK was the best choice. Master Beins, along with his whole staff, has created a disciplined and safe environment for both children and adults to train to be their best. In less than a year DJ has developed true confidence (just reached his 6th kyu) and a positive change in attitude. The great family atmosphere at ABK has not only motivated me to work out again, but also has my 4-year old daughter wanting to be a part of the ABK family as well! Thank you Master Beins…Keep kicking!!”
—Darryl Henry


“We are fortunate enough to have all three of our children as students at Art Beins Karate. As parents you want the best for your child, not just in the moment, but in the future as well. Starting them out with a strong foundation is most important, and we believe that karate is more than just an activity, it is the key to future success. At Art Beins Karate, our children not only learn kicks, they learn dedication; they not only learn how to block, they learn how to respect; and most importantly, they not only learn self-defense, they also learn about commitment. The instructors at Art Beins Karate are exceptional and they make learning fun, exciting, and meaningful. We cannot thank you enough for helping us to turn our three beautiful children into strong, conscientious, responsible and successful adults.”
—Teresa and Joe Dige, Office Manager/Self Employed


“ABK has made my kids more confident and responsible in addition to increasing their fitness. It has also made them better at focusing in school and sports and kept them flexible to help in preventing sports injuries. ABK in Freehold has become their second family. They have made good friends there.”
—Laura Della Bella


“I’ve noticed a remarkable improvement in John’s attitude and physical fitness. He is focused and less self-conscious. John has become more self-assured. He is respectful and sincere. Thank you=)”
—John Mnich


“My son has been attending Art Beins Karate Studio in Howell for almost a year. I have seen my son Luke’s self-confidence increase a great deal since joining. He is now interested in pursuing other sports where he had never shown an interest before. My husband and I both feel the staff at Art Beins in Howell is AMAZING. They know how to motivate the children, keep them focused, challenge them, and make each child feel successful each and every time they come to class. Speaking as a teacher myself I know how invaluable this is for any parent. The staff is always very helpful and extremely kind to me and my family as well. I would highly recommend your studio to any of my friends that are seeking a life-changing experience for their child. Thank you for all that you are doing for my son and other children. Special thanks to Master Larry and Master D for your constantly supporting Luke with your acknowledgment and praise. It means the world to him and me as well.”
—Mary Sorce


“Art Beins has been very enjoyable for my son Vincent. It has helped to reinforce values that are important to us, such as respect, dedication and commitment. It has also shown him already that hard work has its rewards.”
—Michael Impresa


“My 7-year-old son is learning self-discipline through karate. It has thought him to be committed and dedicated to something bigger than himself. I love the way the instructors communicate with the children. They are dedicated and committed to excellence and fun. I feel very proud when I watch my son take class. I love Art Beins School.”
—Deborah Heaton


“Art Beins Karate has enabled me to begin and sustain a venture to improve my self-image, my strength and overall well-being. Since starting Karate, I have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease which has made the journey a bit tougher, but with the support of all of my instructors, and a push here and there from Master Beams, I am able to stay on the correct path to try and finish my venture. Whether I make it to Black Belt or not, I will know that along the way I never gave up and that Art Beins Karate never gave up on me.”
—Brenda Cohen


“Ever since I started Art Beins Karate almost 9 years ago, it has been a great experience for me. When I started, at 4 years old, I would always fool around, but my instructors, Master Beams and Sensei Nunno, have helped me through to the very end and helped me achieve my goal of reaching the level of 1st Dan Black Belt. They are like the older brothers I never had.”
—Matt Resnick


“Martial Arts in a sense is not just a sport, but a way of life for different people. Martial Arts affects people in different ways, but always has similar outcomes. Most people gain confidence as well as responsibility inside and outside of the karate school. Integrity is something everybody says that they have, but never really knew what it really means. Integrity is being honest to yourself and to others, and having the strong moral principles that make you a role model and model student. Karate has taught me that defending yourself is only half the battle, it’s getting back up and keeping your head high with confidence. The greatest result from karate, for me, will always be the friends you meet and the people you know that you will become lifelong friends with. It also gives you the skills to go forth and use the dedication and motivation that is greatly stressed in the Art Beins Karate School to use outside of the dojo. In school, improvements in confidence, responsibility, dedication, have been applied to my studies and schoolwork. I work for every point and every grade to achieve the ideal place I want to be, and I don’t settle until the job is done. At home, it has taught me that responsibility with chores, homework, and being close to my family has greatly affected the type of person I am today. Grandmaster Art Beins always told each and every student that, ‘If it’s gonna be, it’s up to me.’ And I’ve stood by that motto ever since.”
—Alyssa Rabo, Student


“My daughter joined Art Beins Karate in Howell while in the 7th grade. It had been a very difficult year and she had lost confidence in herself. After joining karate, she got her confidence back and learned a great deal of self discipline and respect which has carried on to all areas of her life. She enjoys karate and is now a purple belt.”
—Pamela Sommons, Administrative Assistant


“Art Beins Karate has positively impacted my life and has made me proud of the person that I am. Also, it has made me a person brimming with self-esteem, health, and positive attitude. Karate is excellent not only for the body, but it conditions the mind, soul, and improves reflexes. The martial arts, over time, has helped my body and mind to coordinate as one and to relieve stress. I have realized that to be a martial artist, the partition between the actions of the body and the thoughts of the mind must be as one. I have learned to apply good posture to my daily life, and know how to avoid life-threatening situations when possible. Karate has made me a stronger person due to its intense cardiovascular workouts and stretching. It has changed my personality by having a more optimistic look on life and to focus on the teachings of a positive attitude, and vital ethics that I need to succeed in today’s world. Karate has taught me to construct a strong, happy community by using my techniques only when forced to defend myself, honor, or reputation. Due to the fact that I am a martial artist, I am a better public speaker and have made it a habit to maintain good eye contact. Karate is a part of me, and I have learned to be a part of it. It is a beneficial way of life that has changed me forever for the better, and I will always remember the principles that it has taught me. One other important way that karate has impacted by life is by developing a confident and congenial self-image. It has taught me to set goals, to achieve them through the tools of motivation and determination. By reaching these goals, I am pleased and confident in myself, and have developed an attitude that I can achieve anything that I believe. I have became more confident, responsible, and self-disciplined than the person I was. Karate has melted away my foolish, childish, and timid ways, and has molded me into a young woman who demonstrates assurance and certainty within herself. Karate has also taught me to control the self-esteem and poise that it has given me. Art Beins Karate is important to my life because it has strengthened by body, soul and mind. It has boosted my confidence and self esteem levels, and has heightened my reflexes and coordination. I have learned to practice control and respect with my peers. Together, the martial arts have improved my self-image, health, and overall personality for the better.”
—Nicole Sivetz, Student


“I believe Art Beins Karate is helping Kayleigh to have confidence. She recently told me that she was so afraid the first time she tested, but this time she wasn’t afraid. I think it’s important for children to be exposed to different experiences, and Karate has been a very positive one for Kayleigh.”
— Clunes


“The kickboxing class is by far the best fitness program I have ever been involved with. I have been doing it two to three times per week for five and a half years now, and I have never gotten tired of it, and I never have to force myself to go.”
—Anthony Monaco


“Art Beins has a great school. My son son has been there for 3 years. The professional staff and instructors have great communication and training skills, and they work very hard to train the students. Karate increased my son’s strength, flexibility, and balance. Also, he has better focus and confidence. I am very pleased with Zeid’s progress. Thank you for all your efforts and those of your staff.”
—Heba Darwish


“My training at Art Beins Karate has definitely had a positive effect on my life. I have made so many friends, and the instructors are great mentors that any person would be lucky to have. Karate has also boosted my self-confidence tremendously. I now know how to defend myself in tough situations. Thanks ABK!!”
—Anshul Agrawal


“I believe Art Beins Karate has helped give my son, Sean, self confidence. He has learned how to defend himself, but also learned discipline and respect. He has also made friends and enjoyed himself in the classes.”
—Joe Amato, Insurance Agency Manager


“Art Beins Karate has given my children the confidence to be leaders. Attending class is a daily reminder to be the best person that you can be and to always try your best. Art Beins Karate builds character and promotes all of the values outside of home that are truly important to me. We are very glad to be a part of the Art Beins family.”
—Nancy Turchio


“ABK has given our children a sound foundation in respect, structure and discipline which we have seen positively contribute to their success in all of their activities. This program is oustanding, and we are extremely pleased with the results we have seen. Anyone considering martial arts as a way to develop positive skills, for their children or even themselves, must begin by trying the ABK program.”
—Matthew Kunz, Police Chief


“I started with Art Beins Karate back when I was 15 years old. I am very happy that at a young age I was involved with an organization that focused on positive development of their students. One of the biggest lessons I learned was how to deal with failure. Art Beins Karate taught me at a young age not to see failure as failure, but as a learning opportunity. That, just because I didn’t succeed today, does not mean I will not succeed tomorrow. Learning that experience at such a young age helped me perform better in college than I did in high school. It allowed me to be more confident in myself and my abilities that I became more involved in college organizations, and in my senior year, I was elected as president of our business association on campus. After college graduation, I carried those lessons with me into the working world where the belief in myself gave me the courage to open my own business. I still run the business today and use everything I learned at Art Beins karate in both my personal and professional life. Thanks Master Beins!”
—Ernie Olmeda, Water Filtration Sales


“I am the Father of Joey. He is 7 years old and trained at another Karate school for a little over 2 years. As a parent that has trained in martial arts, I felt that he was not getting the proper training. We were referred to your school by Jessica Schramm whose brother and sister, (I believe) trained at your school. When I met with Master Beams, I knew that we were at the right place. I must compliment Master Beams. He makes us feel very at home and comfortable being a part of the Beins Family. He is very inspirational to Joey and myself for that matter.”
—Norman Lescht


“Art Beins Karate has helped me build confidence in myself and what I do. Over the past 6 and a half years that I’ve been enrolled, I’ve made many friends and had many good memories. Now that I’m a Black Belt, I feel accomplishment in what I’ve done, and I’m always happy to go to Karate. Although the road to Black Belt had its good times and bad, I really think it was a great learning experience overall.”
—Christopher Barilla


“Art Beins Karate has changed my life. It has made me one hundred and ten percent more confident in myself. Not only did it teach me how to defend myself, it taught me how to be successful. They would always say that The only thing standing between yourself and great success is you. Overcome it and you can achieve anything.”
—Nick Puccio, Student


“I started with Art Beins when I was in my early forties. Training in this school has put me in the best shape of my life and I have accomplished skills that I never thought that were possible. I highly recommend this school to anyone that is interested in the martial arts.”
—Lorraine Dolamore, Computer Programmer


“My son enjoys this Karate class! It’s so much fun for kids. The class has taught my son how to focus his attention and to channel his energy into self-discipline. The instructors go above and beyond to teach the students.”
—Rhys Thurston


“A sense of accomplishment. Structure and the belief they can do anything as they were taught. ‘They believe they are the greatest’.”
—Rich Kaufman, DJ/Entertainer


“My daughter, Amanda, has been going to Art Beins Karate for about a year now. The instructors are great, and it is a very positive environment. Karate helps her feel good about herself, and she is starting to become more confident. Amanda is always excited to go to class!”
—Denise Stillwell, Printing Company


“Art Beins Karate has made me the person I am today. Without Art Beins Karate’s support, I would not have the self-confidence I have today. I now know how to defend myself. Also, I made friends for a lifetime. We are all one big family, and I am happy to say that. Thank you Art Beins Karate!”
—Danny Saunders


“It has taught my son important skills necessary for school and sports. I feel since joining last year he is more focused and independent. He tries hard because he wants to do well in Karate, as well as in school. I feel he has also gained a sense of confidence as he has progressed through the ranks.”
—Pam Kleschinsky